TPT Digital Blog

Google AI Overviews: Sorting Knowledge from the Noise

My question, asked to a vanload of college buddies on our way to Spring Break 1997, was simple: Did I just miss our exit? The range of responses I got was typical of that group: thoughtful, if unfocused.

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The Latest International Search and Social Insights for 2024

Webcertain, a TransPerfect company, has published the Webcertain search and social report 2024, a comprehensive report that gives an overview of the digital marketing landscape in 57 countries!

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Financial Services Digital Marketing Trends In 2024

Our financial services specialists share their key digital marketing trends from 2023 and what they think will be important through 2024.

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How AI Can Give Global Manufacturers A Digital Marketing Advantage

The world of digital marketing is constantly evolving, and one hugely important change has exploded onto the scene recently: artificial intelligence (AI).

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Christmas Across Cultures: Nail Your Global Holiday Marketing Campaigns

Our goal with this article is to provide global retailers with insights to help them craft holiday marketing campaigns with finesse and cultural sensitivity.

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Avoid These Global SEO Mistakes—And Do These Instead

When you’ve put in enough reps with numerous global clients and websites that you can spot the red flags and smell the smoking guns coming from a few time zones away, then you’ve seen some serious stuff—and can helpfully steer your clients away from it when providing global SEO services.

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A Human Touch Helps Generative AI Hit the Mark

It’s a rookie writer’s misstep my wife and I still joke about 23 years later. Back then, we were cub reporters at the Sandusky Register newspaper in Ohio, assigned to cover the weekend Milan Melon Festival. I filed my story on Saturday, and she filed hers Sunday....

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The Power of Localized SEO: Boosting International Brand Rankings

As international companies expand into new markets, localized SEO plays a crucial role in their digital strategy. But what is localized SEO and how can it be implemented effectively across different regions? In this guide, we'll explore the ins and outs of localized SEO for CMOs looking to unlock…

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The Digital Future – with Laurent Ezekiel

The Digital Future – w

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Holiday Marketing: 3 Strategies for the Final Stretch

The holidays in my hous

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The Digital Shelf: Why It’s So Important

We all know what a store shelf is and why it exists, but have you ever thought about a digital shelf? So much of a consumer’s journey is online, and the process of shopping from discovery to purchase can be constant, non-linear, and random. Digital experiences are a key part of educating consumers…

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How to Choose the Best Social Media Channels for Your Business

Not seeing the results you hoped for when launching your company’s social media platforms? Questioning why your content isn’t resonating with your audience? If this is the case, it might be due to the channels you’re are choosing and not the content. It’s important to look into the performance of…

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Prepare to Shop with Our Black Friday 2022 Predictions

Black Friday 2022 is almost upon us—that infamous time after Thanksgiving when businesses offer deals on all kinds of consumer goods, from electronics to jewelry and clothing. Black Friday has caused quite a frenzy for shoppers, retailers, and security over the years. But have you ever wondered…

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10 Mind Blowing International SEO Statistics

In 2021, the need for search engine optimization (SEO) increased quickly. With businesses going virtual and moving content and sales online, SEO helped open an array of doors. Now, in 2022, SEO is at an all-time high, as even the most traditional businesses realize they need to accelerate their…

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Quebec’s Bill 96: How We Can Help

Although businesses with more than 50 employees were already subjected to many of the Charter laws, such as the Charter of the French Language, the government has made significant changes to the Charter and introduced new laws through Bill 96.  

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Baidu vs Google: How to Develop an Effective Search Strategy in the Chinese Market

Baidu vs Google: How to Develop an Effective Search Strategy in the Chinese Market While Google remains the undisputed market leader globally for search engines, any organization would be remiss to ignore the power of Baidu in the Chinese market.

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How Businesses Plan to Spend Their Marketing Budget in 2022

How Businesses Plan to Spend Their Marketing Budget in 2022 Many of our clients are starting to plan their digital strategies for 2022 to ensure they spend their marketing dollars wisely. Have you started to plan yours?

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5 Tips to Increase Traffic to Your Amazon Listings

5 Tips to Increase Traffic to Your Amazon Listings If you’re looking for further support in optimizing your Amazon listings, our expert team of e-commerce and Amazon marketing specialists work with international brands to grow and manage their global marketplac..

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Content performance metrics to measure your content ROI

Content performance metrics to measure your content ROI Measuring the overall ROI for content is rarely a straightforward process. But there are certainly a few simple steps you can follow to understand how effective your strategy is. Learn more!

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4 Steps to Optimize Your Website for International SEO

4 Steps to Optimize Your Website for International SEO A digital strategy needs to be bespoke while leaning on sound fundamentals and proven models. Here are 4 steps to international SEO that will have a significant..

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SEO Best Practices for Blogs

SEO Best Practices for Blogs Question: How can you get more organic traffic to your website? Answer: Blog content. By implementing SEO best practices for your blog content, you’re providing a steady stream of traffic to your website. So what are those best..

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How to Increase Conversion Rates This Holiday Season

When marketers say statements like, “More than ever, it is critical to maximize your ROI,” or “The digital landscape has evolved more than ever,” you could dismiss it as hyperbole..

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Do This, Not That: 10 Tips for Successful International SEO Strategy

Early on in my first job out of college as a newspaper reporter, my editor shared some advice uniquely targeted to the raging, green, perfectionist monster inside me: Don’t worry a concern to the bone..

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The Value of Social Listening

“Digital insights.” This is a continually trending term used across all industries and especially relevant within the life science space. According to Forrester Research’s article “Digital Insights Are the New Currency of Business,” “demanding customers and compe..

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Winning Strategies for Singles’ Day 2020

Who doesn’t love a good bargain? Cyber Monday and Black Friday have become huge annual shopping events in the western world, providing eager customers with discounted products on their favorite brands..

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Merry Marketing: Global Strategies for Digital Dominance this Holiday Season

Digital Holiday Marketing The calendar has officially flipped from Halloween to the silly season: a smorgasbord of turkey and potatoes and pumpkin pie and heartburn piled high on the plate.

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How Hotels Can Adapt to a Post-COVID World

Last month, TransPerfect’s Vice President of Travel and Digital Solutions, Joel Brandon-Bravo, was on the panel for WTM’s webinar, focusing on technology opportunities for travel and tourism in a post-viral world.

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The Google Page Experience Update: What to Know and How to Prepare

The Google Page Experience Update: What to Know and How to Prepare Google is notorious for rolling out major algorithm updates. Updates that have a massive impact on the SEO landscape with little or no warning. To many digital marketers, it’s the equi..

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Where Social Media Stands and What the Future Looks Like

Where Social Media Stands and What the Future Looks Like Over the years, social media has inundated our daily lives and it's popularity is growing. This post looks at the future of social media as both a branding platform and a political platform.

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Third-Party Cookies on Chrome: Preparing for a Cookieless Future

Third-Party Cookies on Chrome: Preparing for a Cookieless Future In case you haven't heard, third-party cookies are about to become a thing of the past. Will this policy shift eliminate a marketer’s ability to track online users?

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Video Optimization for an International Audience: What You Need to Know

Video Optimization for an International Audience: What You Need to Know Video content has become one of the most favored global marketing tools in recent years. In fact, 72% of consumers prefer learning about a product or service through video. The simple power of video goes way beyond the…

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Digital Strategies for Patient Recruitment

Digital Strategies for Patient Recruitment Following our webinar Be Where Your Patients Are – Effective Digital Strategies for Patient Recruitment, we sat down with Brian Hansen, Director of TPT Digital, to dive deeper into some key themes discussed in the webinar.

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Why You Should Never Translate Your Keywords

Why You Should Never Translate Your Keywords Hint: The process is much more in-depth than literal translation

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International SEO Services for the Travel Industry: Turning Lookers Into Bookers

International SEO Services for the Travel Industry: Turning Lookers Into Bookers What’s the best way for multinational travel companies to reach and convert vacation-seeking customers once again? By having a top-quality international SEO strategy to turn lookers into bookers.

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15 Statistics that Show Why You Need Video Content

15 Statistics that Show Why You Need Video Content If you’re looking to fill the gaps in your content plan for next year, then video might be what you need. Video can boost not only engagement but also conversion rates and ROI.

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Adapting to a Cookieless World

Adapting to a Cookieless World Cookies have been an essential piece of the open internet, but a future without third-party cookies is on the horizon. We need to plan for this disruption by rethinking data collection and marketing strategies today.

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How to Win at Paid Social Without Cookies

How to Win at Paid Social Without Cookies In 2020, Google followed the likes of other internet browsers by announcing plans to block third-party cookies across Google Chrome by 2022. Google’s director for Chrome engineering said, “This is our strategy to re-architect the standards of the web, to…

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7 Best Ways to Develop Audience Relationships & Improve Engagement

Best Ways to Develop Audience Relationships & Improve Engagement In the post-pandemic climate, there has been a sort of “forced evolution” for marketers within the life sciences sector. There is renewed focus on being able to effectively reach various audience segments, whether it is potential…

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How to Boost Performance of International Travel Content

Everything boils down to experience and the impression it leaves—especially when you are planning an international vacation with friends or family.

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The Ultimate Guide to Naver Blog

Understand how Naver Blog works and why it should be part of your SEO strategy for Korea. Read about important features and how to gain visibility and SEO results on Naver, plus other useful blogging tips.

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Make Your Brand Fly: 5 Digital Strategies for the Aviation Industry

Make Your Brand Fly: 5 Digital Strategies for the Aviation Industry Whether you’re a small, newer airline looking to make a splash in the online world or a niche brand wanting to expand your customer base, you’ll need the right aviation marketing strategies in your arsenal. Similar to any other…

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What do you need to know about digital marketing for life sciences in 2022?

What do you need to know about digital marketing for life sciences in 2022? There have been many consequences and unexpected changes for marketers since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. One of them (especially in the life sciences arena) is the concept of forced innovation. As an industry, life…

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Improving Local SEO Strategy for Retailers

With global purchasing habits irrevocably altered throughout the course of the pandemic, more and more retailers have turned to omnichannel marketing with a particular focus on digital. Studies have found that 97% of consumers use search engines to find local businesses, showing the importance of…

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